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Sipay Integration

Integrate your services with sipay

dotnet add package Integration.PaymentGateways.Sipay

Configure your credentials which are given by sipay

using Integration.PaymentGateways.Sipay.Infrastructure.PaymentIntegration.Models.Request;

var sipayPaymentIntegration = new SipayPaymentIntegration(
merchantKey: "merchantKey",
appKey: "appKey",
appSecret: "appSecret",
merchantId: 0,
isInProduction: false

You have to get your merchantKey, appKey, appSecret, merchantId from sipay.

Get installments

var installments = await sipayPaymentIntegration.CheckInstallmentsAsync(new CheckInstallmentRequestModel(
creaditCard: "123456",
amount: 100,
currenyCode: "TRY"

Non secure payment

var nonSecurePaymentResponse = await sipayPaymentIntegration.NonSecurePaymentAsync(new NonSecurePaymentRequestModel(
ccHolderName: "John Doe",
ccNo: "123456",
expiryMonth: 12,
expiryYear: 2022,
cvv: 123,
currencyCode: "TRY",
installmentsNumber: 1,
invoiceId: 1,
invoiceDescription: "Invoice description",
name: "John",
surname: "Doe",
total: 100,
items: "items",
cancelUrl: "",
returnUrl: "",
hashKey: "hashKey",
ip: "",
orderType: 0

Secure payment

Secure payment consist of 3 phases:

  1. Get secure payment initial
var securePaymentInitialHtml = sipayPaymentIntegration.SecurePaymentInitial(new SecurePaymentInitialRequestModel(
ccHolderName: "John Doe",
ccNo: "123456",
expiryMonth: 12,
expiryYear: 2022,
cvv: 123,
currencyCode: "TRY",
installmentsNumber: 1,
invoiceId: "1",
invoiceDescription: "Invoice description",
name: "John",
surname: "Doe",
total: 100,
items: "items",
cancelUrl: "",
returnUrl: "",
hashKey: "hashKey",
orderType: 0,
recurringPaymentNumber: 0,
recurringPaymentCycle: "",
recurringPaymentInterval: "",
recurringWebHookKey: "",
maturityPeriod: 0,
paymentFrequency: 0
  1. Show 3ds html content to user
  1. After successfull 3d confirmation, secure payment charge
var securePaymentChargeRequest = await sipayPaymentIntegration.SecurePaymentChargeAsync(new SecurePaymentChargeRequestModel(
invoiceId: "1",
orderId: "1",
status: "1",
hashKey: ""));

Cancel payment

var cancelResponse = await sipayPaymentIntegration.CancelAsync(new CancellationRequestModel(
invoiceId: "",
hashKey: "",
refundTransactionId: "",
refundWebhookKey: ""

Refund payment

var refundResponse = await sipayPaymentIntegration.RefundAsync(new RefundRequestModel(
invoiceId: "",
amount: 100,
hashKey: "",
refundTransactionId: "",
refundWebhookKey: ""