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Trendyol Integration

Integrate your services with trendyol

How to use

dotnet add package Integration.Marketplaces.Trendyol

Configure your credentials which are given by trendyol

using Integration.Marketplaces.Trendyol.Infrastructure.ProductIntegration;

var trendyolProductIntegration = new TrendyolProductIntegration(
supplierId: "supplierId",
apiKey: "apiKey",
apiSecret: "apiSecret",
isInProduction: false,
entegratorFirm: "entegratorFirm");

You have to get your supplierId, apiKey and apiSecret from trendyol.

Get all categories

var categories = await trendyolProductIntegration.GetCategoryTreeAsync();

Get all brands

var brands = await trendyolProductIntegration.GetBrandsAsync();

Filter products

Get values of category attribute

var productFilter = new ProductFilterBuilder()

var products = await trendyolProductIntegration.FilterProductsAsync(productFilter);